205. Neon Leon

I had a stack of neon fabrics for the longest time, solids and dots, along with some florals. I was never sure quite what to do with them. Then I happened upon some black fabric with neon flecks that was perfect for a background.

I used a pattern by Then Came June called Granny Cabin.

In a stroke of luck, one of the local businesses painted their building bright pink. Perfect.
I'm not sure where the name came from, probably only because it rhymed. Anyway, such a bright quilt needed to go to a person with a lot of energy--a friend from church, Kristina Nolan.
Title: Neon Leon
Pattern by: Then Came June
Date Completed: 2020
Size: 58" x 58"
Quilted by: Darby Myers
Gifted to: Kristina Nolan


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