255. Curtain Call

 Charlotte saved her theater t-shirts so I could make her a graduation quilt.

She turned them all over to me, and using both the front and back of a couple, I ended up with nine blocks. Roosevelt's school colors are green and yellow, so I auditioned a couple of each. I knew I wanted to use green for the sashing and yellow for the cornerstones. We chose the ombre green which gave a cool effect to the sashing. For the cornerstones, we chose a yellow that also contained green. I'm not even sure why they were in my stash, but ended up being perfect for this quilt. I picked the one on the left because the one on the right seemed a little too washed out.

It was an easy quilt to sew together. And I then turned it over to Mark Dong, a local quilter, who did a fantastic job.

Some details from the back. The newsprint backing was a good choice. I searched some theater terms when it came to naming the quilt, and settled on Curtain Call, as she seems to be done with theater for the present time.

We took it out for a photo shoot at the high school. 
It was also important to get photos in front of the theater, named after local celebrity, Audra McDonald. If you are not familiar with Audra McDonald, she has won more Tony awards than anyone (six), and has won in each of the four acting categories. She has also done a lot of TV and movies. She's a pretty big deal here in Fresno, and she graduated from Roosevelt High School.

We are sure going to miss having Charlotte around, but she is definitely ready for the next act in her life (see what I did there?).

Quilt Name: Curtain Call
Made by: Cindy Wiens
Quilted by: Mark Dong
Completed: May 2024
Size: 58" x 72"

254. Lumos

 Ah, Lumos. I think you are the favorite quilt of all those I have made so far. 

A few years ago I took a scrappy lone star class from one of my favorite teachers, Tara Faughnan. I made this beautiful block. I learned so much about color in that class. I loved these more muted versions of favorite colors.

If nothing else, I learned how to do a great Y seam.
But when the class was done, I had no clue what to do with the block. For awhile it was on my design wall with some other blocks. They looked fine together but it didn't spark any ideas.

At roughly the same time, I began making Double Ruby Ring blocks, designed by Michelle Bartholomew, a designer I greatly admire for her creativity. They were English paper pieced and I used Kaffe Fassett stripes in the center, surrounded entirely by my beloved Oakshott fabrics. 

While I LOVE these blocks, I'm not a huge fan of curved piecing while English paper piecing, as opposing curves are tricky due to the papers. So my plan was to make maybe nine blocks and call it a day. 

However, what to do with blocks that measured 36" x 36" when sewn together? We don't really have any wall hangings around the house. But I kept them on the design wall because I loved looking at them. 

Then by some quirk of fate, I got out the radiant star, trying to decide what to do with it. I started looking back and forth at the star, and the Ruby Ring blocks, and back to the star. And realized they looked fantastic together. 
A plan started to form. Of course that plan meant making even more blocks. But I began to get excited about the possibilities.

I had enough different striped fabrics to make two blocks out of each colorway, so they were similar, yet different.

My favorite.

Time to put them together.

I thought I might do several smaller borders, but after adding the two skinny striped borders with the triangles inbetween, I knew it was finished.
I delivered it to Dawn Haldeman for some beautiful custom quilting, and I also splurged on my favorite echinacea print by Anna Maria Horner for the backing.  I decided on the name Lumos, one of the most popular spells in the Harry Potter series,  used to light up dark spaces.
Oakshott Fabrics liked it enough that they added it to their website.

And I'm so happy that Michelle liked it as well. 

Interestingly, this is the quilt that caught the attention of the production manager of The Quilt Show, so I would say it is responsible for my invitation to film an episode. This photo looks a little yellow, but I know it will be color corrected for addition to the show. 

I firmly believe that quilts "speak" to you. If you listen, they will tell you what needs to be added and what will not work at all. And sometimes they take you on an adventure you never thought possible.

Quilt Name: Lumos
Quilt Pattern: Designed by Cindy Wiens: center radiant star class with Tara Faughnan, Double Ruby Ring blocks by Michelle Bartholomew
Made by: Cindy Wiens
Quilted by: Dawn Haldeman
Completed: 2024
Size: 60" x 60"

253. Weave

 Quite awhile ago, I had purchased a calendar designed by Molly Lam of @tokodots, one of my favorite artists. I loved this design for the month of August, and I could totally envision a quilt based on it.

My first version was Sorbet (#241). It was only 40" x 40", and I always envisioned a larger version.

I had set aside this stack of fabrics for a different project, but decided it would be perfect for this larger quilt. 

I decided to try an ombre effect going both directions: pink to rust in one direction, and lavender to burgundy in the other direction.

But then I decided that the four darkest colors in the vertical direction were just too brown, and changed them to shades of purple.

Too dark/brown.
So much better.
These blocks actually go together quite quickly. I used the burgundy blocks on the back.

Then it was off to Darby for quilting.

I'm very happy with the larger size and I would definitely make this one again.

My neighbor's tree was blooming and it was a great backdrop.

Quilt: Weave
Quilt Pattern: Based on a design by Molly Lam @tokodots
Made by: Cindy Wiens
Quilted by: Darby Myers
Completed December 2023
Size: 71" x 76"